Sunday, October 9, 2016

If you believed the Benghazi video......

While Hillary Clinton has been tweeting incessantly Donald Trump
release his tax returns she has stonewalled all requests she do
likewise of speech transcripts she made to Wall St. the past two
years earning her more than $20 million.

Now we know why!

Wikileaks did not wait for Secy. Clinton to voluntarily release
the transcripts, it produced them!

Hillary Clinton's message to Wall St. is much different than the
one she has  been spewing on Main St. and exactly the reason
Bernie Sanders' campaign was so successful.

For over a year Sanders has been saying the system is 'rigged',
the message Hillary quickly co-opted to defuse his campaign.

Hillary's speeches confirmed what Sanders and even Trump
have been saying! Only difference, Sanders presumes to know
it from the 'outside', Trump does, having been on the 'inside'.

With her remarks made public the Clinton media machine went
to work, using the same pattern; beginning with denial, followed
by splitting "literary" hairs, such as definition of "is" and
culminating with misdirection as we saw in the Benghazi video.

So when Clinton surrogates tell us the Wikileaks report was
concocted by the Russians we should treat what they say for
what it is, another Clinton lie!

But, the Clintons may have foolishly stepped over a line it
should have avoided, attacking Russia. Don't doubt Putin
is more than the Clintons can handle, even with a complicit

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