Thursday, November 17, 2016

Another Happy Day after Trump's election!

I am sure many of you do not read "Indy", the weekly
rag that refuses to see the Sun rising if a conservative
is in the area.

Indy, so valued its available free throughout Wake and
neighboring counties, went to press too soon to report
on the election and launch the expected attack on Donald
Trump. The paper was still hoping Hillary would win.

Unfortunately (for them) this was not to be. Donald
Trump won and he will be called president-elect Trump
until Jan. 20th.

But, this gave the editorial staff a week to undergo therapy
and ponder what to write in its Nov. 16th  edition.

And write they did!  There was so much to say the paper
even eliminated its weekly Meetup ADs so it could use the
entire paper to attack Trump, and even direct it readers
to safe spaces to get hugs!

These fine folks who live on the dark side had a week to
sharpen their editorial knives and go after Trump with
barrels of ink aimed directly at the Trump Tower.

This is the front page, an 'encouraging' sign for those who
remain traumatized that the American people would elect
Donald Trump.

Where Do We Go from Here?
Many contributors took shot at Trump's election. Blaming "dumb poor White
people" who voted for him, people who stayed home, the Electoral College,
and even Blacks who could have given the election to Hillary, but did not!

If you want to read some of the rants, this is the link:
One thing I did learn. "Indy", like the Democrat establishment still does not
understand what occurred. And judging by the conversations in the party's
inner circles they will 'rebuild' the party so it will look and perform the same
way it has, 'select; candidate, rig primaries and not treat its constituencies as

No matter the Republican Party controls over 70% of  state legislatures across
the country, a six election trend the Democrat refuse to acknowledge!

And, as Martha Stewart often says, "That's a good thing"

I have gone through the paper and came away almost as
happy reading the lunacy as I did seeing Trump elected!

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