Friday, November 11, 2016

The Unreported story of the 2106 election

 The unreported story of the election has been the failure of both
political parties. Each took two missteps and both shared one.

One party was severely damaged while the other was 'saved' thanks
to its unlikely candidate.

The Republican Party did what it always does, push the initiatives
of donors who spend tens of millions to see that only an establishment
(the party's choice) candidate is the nominee even when its at the
expense of American workers as occurs when it promotes globalism
and the desire to increase the size of government.

Fortunately, Donald Trump, the candidate committed to "true
conservatism", not  the lip service conservatism the Republican
Party promotes, won its nomination.

The Democrat Party problems are much worse, beginning with insulting
its members once again by "rigging" the process, for a second time.

In 2008 the first 'coronation' of Hillary Clinton was staged so she would
be the "first" woman president. The desires of the Democrat voters did
not matter, the party's establishment would tell them who its nominee
would be. All key groups were aligned, including the Congressional Black
Caucus. The donors were locked in and the Super delegates promised to
support Hillary.

Not one more experienced Democrat opposed her, only a single neophyte,
Barack Obama, who entered to make a splash, not win the nomination.
But Obama proved  to be the politician Hillary was not and won.

Although the party failed, it did claim the White House for eight years.

But, the lesson of the failed coronation was either missed or ignored.
Hillary would be the nominee once Obama would be gone.

This year was a replay of 2008. Again, no consideration of the desires
of its electorate, the Democrat establishment which failed in 2008 lined
up donors, told others they "need not apply", locked in Super delegates
to guarantee her nomination and even undermined the noble attempt of
strong challenger Bernie Sanders with collusion between Clinton and
the DNC!

All remembrances of 2008 were forgotten. No need to consider the
Democrat party members, the establishment would once again say
who their nominee would be.

I write this on Nov. 11th, two days after Hillary Clinton was dispatched
from the political scene. All that is left is a party which must face its
members and explain to them why their voice (and vote) do not matter!

Will the Democrat Party change? Probably not, especially since its members
are treated as groups of women, minorities, organization labor, teacher
unions, environmentalists, and any other cadre you can think of.

The burden of pleasing groups with different desires is much harder than
governing people with more in common interest.

The Republican Party may have learned what it takes thanks to Trump's
victory.  Be true to your platform, don't  compromise on principles and
do what your membership wants.

The Democrat Party cannot as long as it looks at members are viewed as
victims, consigned to groups dependent on government, rather than a
single constituency defined by what they have in common.

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