Friday, November 4, 2016

Is Media Bias even worth discussing?

It will be very difficult to find a journalist who will
admit he is biases or there is bias in his industry.  So
its a waste of time to chide the media when displeased
with reporting.

Bias does exist, but like beauty, "its in the eyes of the
beholder". So, what can we do to combat it?

One thing, educate ourselves with the riches of information
all around that earlier generation never had.

Bias or not, truth can be found, maybe its scattered, like
pieces to a puzzle, but its there and provides a trail to
completeness that counter any deliberate omissions.

We know what media bias is. Its what is omitted
that we want to hear, or what is reported that
differs from from is elusive. It is easily seen if you're
displeased with what is and "not" reported.

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