Thursday, November 17, 2016

Unsung heroines of the conservative movement..

Most conservatives are aware of non-politicians on the front
line fighting for conservative governance.

We know of Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Michael Savage,
all with the most popular radio shows reaching millions
of listeners. They lead the parade of dozens of others.

But, less known are the many women who 'give no quarter' and
'take no prisoners' fighting for conservative principles as well.

The names are familiar, but often omitted in such discussions.
They write, appear on most media successfully doing battle
against the legion of liberal antagonists.

In no particular order I will mention Ann Coulter, Michelle
Malkin, Laura Ingraham, Monica Crowley, Star Parker, Mary
Katherine Ham, Liz Cheney,  Kelly Ann Conway.

This All Star team can hold its own against any liberal, man or woman!

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