Wednesday, November 2, 2016

What we can learn from George Will

I have followed George Will for many years, enjoying his
thoughtful commentaries on the state of our nation.

Today, I was disappointed to read Will veered into a
territory reserved for Democrats, the suckling of
constituencies to gain favor, at the expense of the
principled governance the Republican Part should
stand for.

He recently commented about the relationship between
the Republican Party and minority groups, coming at a
time Donald Trump, its nominee, could become our next

Will believes "President Trump" would not be good for
the health of the Republican Party and future of
conservatism, a view shared by many in the circle will

Apparently, increasing Republican registration and setting
primary voting records mean nothing to Will and others who
still attack Trump less than a week before election day.

No such problem for Hillary Clinton among Will's media
polar opposites! 

Will goes on to say the Republican Party must do several
things, beginning with "emancipating itself from its bondage"
to the talk radio industry and certain cable personalities
that he says have a paralyzing effect on the party when
it attempts to deal with things like immigration.

Its interesting Will chose immigration. Talk radio is
equally vocal against budget deficits and federal
overreach, which I am sure would get his approval!

While Will is concerned views about immigration over the
airwaves weakens the Republican Party he does not seem
troubled about influence peddling lobbyists who have direct
access to the party, elected officials, and agencies corroding

representative governance, all which Trump has campaigned
against as no Republican I can remember!

If not for 'talk radio' the only news the public would hear
is what the Democrat Party wants reported in the fertile
ground of progressive media.

Perhaps George Will has forgotten talk radio is the only
place he and other conservatives are taken seriously. He
may be invited on mainstream media, but his appearances
are to showcase him and conservatism as mainstream
oddities, for entertainment value, not thoughtful opinions.

If not for talk radio the public would be in the dark, which
we have seen during this campaign  and exactly what most in
Washington prefer.

Will goes on to say "until the Republican Party gets right
with minorities in this country, it's never gonna win
another presidential election."

As expected when such pontificating is offered, suggestions
are rarely introduced. How can Republicans "get right"?

What should the Republican do? Ignore existing laws to win
immigration battle, be quiet about late term abortion to
win the women's vote, accept gay marriage and men using
women's restrooms to reach out to LGBT voters?

If this is what George Will desires, then HE is in the wrong
party, not Donald Trump!   

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