Thursday, November 3, 2016

Are there any principled Democrats left?

We have seen the split among Republicans over Donald Trump's
candidacy based on honest disagreements.

However, similar refusal to support Hillary Clinton can not be seen
among elected Democrats, as not one has publicly stated they will
not support her candidacy no matter concerns of trustworthiness,
honesty, behavior or lack of meaningful accomplishments.

Such allegiance may be commendable, but is troubling, it is the same
'cancer' which brought down President Nixon.

Revelations about Hillary Clinton's actions have cost the FBI more
than three years investigating and a divide within the Justice Dept.
where the Attorney General placed barriers to impede the FBI from
doing its job!

This is not the way American governance should work, but seems to be
acceptable in the Justice Dept, with a wink and nod from the president!

How can public servants march in lock step with Hillary Clinton, putting
their own reputations on the line solely to see her elected president?

There are so many more accomplished Democrats who would be better
suited to be the party's nominee. If the appetite is for a woman, dozens
could have run, but "were advised" not to!

With Hillary in the contest, there would be no contest!

Yes, there was a  Democrat primary. And, if you can keep from laughing
you might try to convince others it was a competitive contest, until
the facts proved otherwise. The fix was in as evidenced by the actions
of the party's chair who was forced to step down.

Clinton would "win" the nomination, without a serious challenge, even
as Bernie Sanders, who campaigned as a socialist, threatened her.

Is this how a political party selects its nominee? When the desired
nominee is Hillary, is there any other way?

I still can't understand why principled Democrats believe Hillary Clinton
is deserving of the highest office in the land.

For those who say "Hillary is better than Trump", that is a convenient
excuse, not a coherent reason. Party loyalists would never walk away
from Hillary no matter who the Republican candidate is.

It is not a mystery what is occurring in the Democrat Party. The 'soul'
has been so corrupted, as not one Democrat was principled enough to
say they could not support, endorse or work to defeat her.

I wonder if these party loyalists see the lesson they are teaching their
children, "What is really important, isn't important at all".

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