Saturday, November 5, 2016

The unreported stories we see all too often.

We know it happens in all elections, but rarely reported.
Volunteers see it first hand, time and again, often in the
most ugliest ways.

Its the assault some politically active citizens take on
against those in opposition.

Here in NC, in the past three weeks the attacks included
setting fire  to a campaign office and vandalizing another,
both occurring at Republican facilities.

Even fist fights occur at rallies as those in opposition
to candidate show up and become belligerent! 

This happens all across the country, and now with greater

But, such behavor occurs on a "one way street", Democrats
doing the attacking, not allowing Republicans to peacefully
assemble in support of their candidate.

Yes, we do seem some Republicans show up and say things to
Democrat candidate, but that is America.  Showing up and
starting fights is not!

Why do supporters of one party seek to harm supporters of
the opposition party?

The answer is simple, and has its roots in political discourse
between the two major parties!

In discussions on issues Republicans are more than equipped to
win the debate, which is why so often Democrats refuse to engage.

Note: Have you ever seen a fair debate on 'Climate Change'?

Even on the university campus the overwhelming majority of
professors who are liberal prefer to indoctrinate students
rather than educate, knowing when challenged they must resort
to bullying tactics, with threat of failing grades.

This is what take places when liberal/leftist/progressive ideas
cannot be convincingly sold!

Civil behavior is essential, or the process will be controlled
by the political establishment.

Its up to both Democrats and Republicans to respectfully engage,
make their points and appreciate opposing views.

Battle should be fought inside the voting booth, and no where else!


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