Saturday, November 19, 2016

What will the Democrats do next?

With the election over and the Republican Party 
now in control of two branches of government
attention is being paid to what the Democrat
Party will do next.

Since 2008, from decisive victories securing and
holding the White House, passing its agenda,
and adding progressives to the Supreme Court
the future looked bright for Democrats.

There was little interest in what was happening
in "fly over country" that voted for Republicans
in greater numbers than ever before.

Democrats had no interest in people who went
to bed early rather than stay up to watch late
night talk shows that often poked fun at what
was occurring between our two coasts. These
'early to bed, early to rise' folks do care about
how our country was being run and voted.

The forgotten heartland citizenry put the final
nail in the coffin of Hillary Clinton's presidential
ambitions and the hope her party would continue
the transformation President Obama campaigned
on and executed expertly for eight years.

Now is time for the traditional postmortem both
political parties do once they're dispatched from
elected offices.

Right now things look bleak as Republicans have
been winning majorities in either one or both
chambers of Congress from 2010 to 2016!

Even more impressive was the Republican success
in the states, now controlling 68 chambers of
legislatures and 35 governor-ships!

It is over, at least for the time being, since we
know the people's desires are often fleeting.

From what we have seen since Trump won the
election its apparent Democrats will continue
to use the same playbook which will confirm its
future prospects will be no more successful than
recent results.

This is not unusual, Republicans have done this
too, go to a failed playbook if its nominee lost!

Consider what the media is reporting; the party's
failure to get more minorities to the polls, next
Democratic National Committee chair will once
again be an elected official, find  a new "star' for
2020 and continue its 'rigged' primary system.

If this is what we can expect then Donald Trump
will be two term president!

The Democrat Party MUST change! It was defeated
not by the Republican establishment, it lost to grass
roots conservative voters who elected Republicans
across the nation and by Donald Trump, a billionaire,
the people's preference to every politician running.

Thia happened due to voters in the land mass of more
than 70% of country which receives little attention.

The forgotten 50% of our country who saw the problems
of America differently than the politicians did. They
wanted solutions, not political excuses, saw our
country differently than East and West coasts citizens
do, and voted to change a government that no longer
served all, only the entitled few.

They are tired of politicians only representing Wall St.
and Washington.

The pulse of our nation needs to be taken in all fifty
states not only areas calculated to provide political

Maybe this election will be remembered as more than
a victory for Donald Trump. It could be a victory for
everyone, even those who did not support him if the
political process returns to the obligation made when
our nation was founded!

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