Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Profile in Political Courage.....

After elections the media always has answers for why candidates win that
are often at odds with what they report before an election. So, it was today.
I will not join this crowd and look as foolish as they sound. 

But, I will point to something I hope the Republican Party will finally learn,
believe in your party's platform rather and fight for what you believe in.

THAT was the message of the 2016 election that needs to be heeded by
the Republican Party and its elected leaders.

Donald Trump displayed on the political most of us have seen,  a 'profile in
political courage'.

He did not shy away from a threat of "Islamic terrorism' a term that sent
shivers up the spine of the politically correct. Nor, about doing the unthinkable,
'building a wall' on the Southern borders.

These two controversial statements would never be stated by a politician
who weighs every word and consults with political consultants or donors
who give approval first.

As for the Democrat side, anything and everything goes. When Arizona
attempted to deport illegal the Federal govt. sued the state. When North
I will offer something else which every future president should keep in mind.
Failures in government need to be addressed, not dismissed or ignored!

Case in point Obamacare.  It has been reported since inception that insurance
premiums would be going up, proven as each year more people saw increases.
Yet, President Obama did not publicly address the issue or work behind the
scenes to fix it.

I won't venture why the Obama Administration took the "ostrich" approach
to this problem, as it had with problems at the Veterans Administration or
deporting illegal alien criminals.

But, the message should be clear when problems are not resolved the burden
falls on an incumbent running for reelection or the party's candidate to replace him.

Hillary was saddled with problems Obama could have fixed but didn't.

If he did Obamacare would not have been an issue Trump could use and Hillary
Clinton would not avoid speaking about it.

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