Saturday, November 5, 2016

You'll never hear Hillary say anything like this!

Excerpts from Trump speech in Michigan....

To bring back your jobs, we must also immediately repeal and replace
Obamacare. It’s just been announced that Michigan residents are going
to experience crushing double-digit premium hikes.

In Minnesota, where the premium increase will be close to 60 percent,
the Democratic Governor has said “the Affordable Care Act is no longer

Hillary Clinton wants to double-down on Obamacare, making it even more
expensive – in fact, much more expensive. I’m asking for your vote so
we can replace Obamacare and save healthcare for every family in Michigan.

My Contract With The American Voter begins with a plan to restore honesty
and accountability to our government.

I want the entire corrupt Washington establishment to hear and to heed the
words we are all about to say. When we win on November 8th, We Are Going To Washington, D.C. And We Are Going To DRAIN THE SWAMP.

At the core of my contract is my plan to bring back your jobs.

Michigan has lost more than 1 in 4 manufacturing jobs since Bill Clinton
signed NAFTA, a deal strongly supported by Hillary Clinton.

Before NAFTA went into effect, there were 280,000 auto workers in
Michigan. Today, that number is only 160,000.  Our country has lost
70,000 factories since China entered the World Trade Organization –
another Bill and Hillary backed deal.

We have nearly an $800 billion annual trade deficit with the world.
We are living through the greatest jobs theft in the history of the
world.  Our trade deficit with China grew almost 40 percent during
Hillary’s tenure as Secretary of State. Her trade deal with South Korea
killed 100,000 American jobs.

So when you look around Michigan, and you see the rusted-out factories,
the empty buildings, and the long unemployment lines, remember: Hillary
Clinton did much of this to you.

Hillary got rich selling your jobs – the same special interests who pushed
the jobs out of America are the people who’ve given countless millions to
the Clintons. Hillary gets rich making America poor.

Just look at the devastation.  Delphi laid off 3,627 workers here in Michigan.
 Most of those jobs went to Mexico.  We are going to fight for the workers at Delphi. They got a raw deal, and they deserve better.

– GM laid off 314 workers at the Lake Orion Assembly Plant in 2013 because of imports from the South Korean trade deal pushed through by Hillary.

– Lear Corporation laid off another 50 people in Rochester Hills and moved
their jobs to South Korea.

– FTE Automotive laid off 166 people in Auburn Hills. Their jobs went to
Mexico. – Chrysler laid off over 5,300 workers. Those jobs went to Mexico,
China, India and other countries.

– Ford laid off 2,155 workers. Those jobs went to other countries.

Now, Ford is moving all if its small car production to Mexico.

A Trump Administration will stop the flight of American jobs.

If Ford, or another company, announces they want to move their jobs to
Mexico or another country, then I will pick up the phone – I will call
the executives  – and I will tell them that if they want do that, we will
charge a 35% tax when they try to ship their products back across the border.

It used to be the cars were made in Flint and you couldn’t drink the water
in Mexico. Now, the cars are made in Mexico and you can’t drink the water in
Flint. We are going to turn it all around.  We are going to rebuild Flint.
We are going to rebuild Detroit.  And we are going to rebuild Michigan.

I’d like to share a special message today with the African-American
community in Michigan which has been so terribly harmed by the policies
of the Clintons.

Look at the City of Detroit. It used to be the manufacturing hub of the world – now, nearly half of Detroit residents do not work, it has the second-highest violent crime rate in the country, and the children are trapped in failing government schools.

Yet, as the people of Detroit suffer, Hillary wants to spend trillions of
dollars on government benefits for illegal immigrants and refugees.

I’ve outlined a plan for urban renewal, it’s called A New Deal For Black
America. That deal includes a plan to use the money we will save by securing
our border, and curbing refugee admissions, to invest in communities like
Flint and Detroit. It includes school choice for African-American children.

My plan also includes a promise to cancel billions in climate change spending
for the United Nations – and instead use that money to provide for American infrastructure, including clean water in cities like Flint.

My plan also includes a pledge to reduce violent crime – every child in this
nation has a right to grow up in safety and peace.  And my plan includes a
pledge to restore manufacturing in the United States.

Hillary and the Democratic Party have run the inner cities for years, and
only produced more poverty. The time has come for real change – I’m asking
you for the honor of your vote so that together we can turn decades of
political failure into generations of lasting success.

Hillary, on the other hand, wants to destroy what’s left of manufacturing
in Michigan with the Trans-Pacific Partnership.  A Trump Administration
will stop the Trans-Pacific Partnership.

We will renegotiate NAFTA, if we don’t get the deal we want, we will
terminate NAFTA and get a much better deal.  We are going to lower
taxes on American business from 35 percent to 15 percent.  We are going
to massively cut taxes for the Middle Class.

We will unleash American energy – including shale, oil, natural gas and clean
coal. The Obama-Clinton war on coal is going to cost this state 50,000 jobs.
We will also work to restore and protect the Great Lakes.  We are going to
become a rich country again.  But to be a rich country, we must also be a
safe country.

When I become President, we will end illegal immigration, deport all
criminal aliens, and put American Workers First.

We will also repeal the Obama-Clinton defense sequester and rebuild our
badly depleted military.

We also need a new foreign policy that puts America First.

Just think about what we can accomplish in the first 100 days –

We are going to have the biggest tax cut since Ronald Reagan; eliminate
every unnecessary job-killing regulation; cancel every illegal Obama
executive order; rebuild our military and take care of our Vets; support
the men and women of law enforcement; save the 2nd amendment; and
appoint Justices to the Supreme Court who will uphold and defend the
Constitution of the United States.

I am asking you to dream big, to push for bold change, and to believe in
a movement powered by the people and by their love for this country.

I’m tired of politicians telling Americans to defer their dreams to another day – when they really mean another decade.

America is tired of waiting. The moment is now.

All we have to do is stop believing in our failed politicians and start
believing in each other and in our country.

There is no challenge too great, no dream outside of our reach.  Don’t let
anyone tell you it can’t be done — the future lies with the dreamers, not
the cynics and the critics.

Our movement represents all Americans, from all backgrounds, and all
walks of life.  We are asking for the votes of Republicans, Democrats, Independents, and first-time voters.

We are asking for the vote of every American who believes truth and justice –
not money and power – should rule the day.

We are fighting for every citizen who believes that government should serve
the people – not the donors and special interests.

We are fighting to unlock the potential of every American community, and every American family, who hope and pray and yearn for a better future.

With your vote, we are just 8 days away from the change you’ve been waiting
for your entire life.

A Trump Administration will also secure and defend the borders of the United States. And yes, we will build a wall.

We’ve received the first-ever endorsement from our ICE and Border Patrol
officers. They tell us the border crisis is the worst it’s ever been – it’s
a national emergency. They also warn America that Hillary’s plan is the “the
most radical proposal in U.S. history.”

FINALLY, a reminder of why Hillary should NOT be elected!

Real change also means restoring honesty to our government.

As you know, the FBI has reopened its investigation into Hillary Clinton
and discovered another 650,000 emails. Hillary lied under oath when she
said she turned over all of her work-related emails – just one more lie
out of so many.

This is the biggest scandal since Watergate. Hillary wants to blame everyone
else for her mounting legal troubles, but she has brought this all onto herself.

Hillary is the one who set-up an illegal private email server in a closet to
shield her criminal activity.

Hillary is the one who engaged in a corrupt Pay-For-Play scheme at the State
Dept – and now there are 5 FBI probes into the Clinton Foundation and their pay-for-play activities.

Hillary is the one who sent and received classified information on an insecure server, putting the safety of the American people under threat.

Hillary is the one who lied to Congress under oath.

Hillary is the one who lied to the FBI.  Hillary is the one who made 13 phones disappear.

Hillary is the one who destroyed 33,000 emails.

Hillary is the one who broke the law over and over and over again. We can be
sure that what is in those emails is absolutely devastating.

Hillary is not the victim – the American people are the victims of this corrupt system in every way, and this is your one chance to change it.

Hillary is likely to be under investigation for a very long time.

One of her longtime supporters, a top Democratic Pollster, Doug Schoen,
is now totally withdrawing his support. He wrote an article entitled
“I’m a Democrat, I worked for Bill Clinton, but I can’t vote for Hillary.”

Schoen writes: “I am convinced that we will be facing the very real
possibility of a constitutional crisis with many dimensions and 
deleterious consequences should Secretary Clinton win the election.

Schoen warns that if Hillary is elected, she would be under protracted
criminal investigation – and probably a trial of a sitting President.

She is unfit and unqualified to be President, and her election would mire
our government and our country in a constitutional crisis we cannot afford.
We need to be going to work for the American people – we can’t do that with
Hillary in the White House trying to avoid prosecution.

Hillary Clinton’s corruption is a threat to Democracy, and the only way to
save our Democracy is get out and vote by the millions.

The Clinton crime spree ends on November 8th.  And when we close the chapter
on the Clintons, we open a bright new chapter focused on the American People.

Together, We Will Make America Wealthy Again.
We Will Make America Strong Again.
We Will Make America Safe Again.
And We Will Make America Great Again.

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