Tuesday, November 15, 2016

"Sanctuary Cities" Unite!

The recent defiance by Democrat run 'sanctuary cities'
should be no surprise. It comes right out of the post-
election playbook, under the chapter, "what to do
when Hillary loses".
The anarchy of 'spontaneous' protests after Trump's
victory was the first step, followed by divisive rhetoric,
the stock and trade of Democrats to keep their select
constituencies captive.
Now, we see the 'memo' was circulated to defy his
plan to close sanctuary cities.
We saw the Obama Administration threaten to sue the
state of Arizona which had the audacity to dare enforce
federal immigration law.
Will we see the Trump Administration do likewise to
cities which defy immigration law?
We know the power of the purse is a strongest hammer
but when used the innocent pay the highest price, not
the politicians who remain safe in the confines of the
cocoon which protects them.
I don't know what Trump's response will be, but I believe
the underestimating of Donald Trump will continue by a
perplexed media and a befuddled Democrat adversary.

Please add feedback in comments section below, or email ajbruno14@gmail.com "Point of View" blog http://ajbruno14.blogspot.com/

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