Sunday, November 13, 2016

Bigotry from the Pulpit

This Sunday, the first since Donald Trump won the presidency and
protesters were dispatched to several cities across the country to
protest, I attended the service at Duke Chapel in Durham, NC.

As the deacon began his homily he said he wanted to share a letter
he wrote to his children. Before doing so he cited the fear which led
to protests.

He described the divide in our nation. He told the congregation what
he observed. He told of the "White Power" signs, and "Black Lives
Matter" over written with "White Lives" so those who listened would
know what he saw.

What the minister did not mention were the riots, flag burning, taunting
of police, "swastika" written under Trump signs, businesses shut down
and worse, pulling young Whites out of cars and beating them.

The minister also omitted telling his congregation of the buses bringing
people to select cities from coast to coast to initiate confrontation. This
was orchestrated anarchy, something not even Jesus would do.

There was no need to fully educate the congregation. After all, offering
 "Jesus" name throughout was enough to show his own "righteousness".

But, to showed his own bigotry! The minister like half the country
was disappointed with the election and he spent nearly ten minute beating
his drum of discontent over and over.

Not one word of Trump's promise to protect us from terrorism or creating
American jobs. The minister played the role of a Democrat surrogate
preaching the gospel of political divisiveness, "us vs. them".

He did read the letter to his children, telling them to have faith, believe in
Jesus and to not be afraid, but not one word of our wonderful country
and how we elect one person to lead all of us!

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