Monday, November 7, 2016

From Wall St., markets have "spoken", the system is rigged

Donald Trump has been saying the system is "rigged", something no one
in the political universe dared to say, or curiously attempted to defend!

Over the past year we have learned Trump was right, proven by numerous
revelations of  the unseemly relationship between the media, Democrats,
donors, lobbyists and Wall. St.!

It may not have been obvious Wall St. was part of this cabal, but candid
remarks demonstrates the "crooked" connection it has with Washington.

I often laugh when I hear a business commentator tell their audience the
markets "spoke" when stocks rise or fall in dramatic fashion. A silly answer
without evidence to support what occurred!

Recently, the markets 'spoke' again, and this time even I heard it. What
they "said" came through loud and clear from the voices of Wall St. power
brokers and showed to all what Trump has been saying for over a year,
the system is rigged!

How so?????

Many of the rich and powerful in the financial industry among them, 
Goldman Sachs Morgan Stanley, JPMorganChase and Bank of America 
consider Hillary Clinton a pragmatic problem-solver. They are confident
she is someone who gets the idea that we all benefit if Wall Street and 
American business thrive.

“I think people are very excited about Hillary,” says one Wall St.investment  
professional with close ties to Washington. “Most people in New York on the 
finance side view her as being very pragmatic. I think they have confidence 
that she understands how things work and that she’s not a populist.”

Is it any wonder Hillary Clinton received tens of millions in donations
and speaking fees after seeing what Wall St. is saying?

Consider what this 'telegraphs" in contrast to what Donald Trump
wants to do.

Wall St. gurus see no problem with the highest corporate tax rate
of any advanced nation that  Trump wants to reduce to 15%.

Wall St. shows no concern over the cost of egregious regulations
which can exceed 30%  the Trump wants to reduce.

Wall St. doesn't even care that more that $2 trillion parked safely
overseas hurts their investments here in the US and only Trump
wants to 'repatriate' this money with a modest tax.

Wall St. does not even believe one sided global trade agreements cost
American workers jobs despite decades of stagnant wages, that Trump
promises to end.

If this does not convince you of the collusion orchestrated between
Washington and Wall St. I don't believe anything will!

This is has been the intended "transformation" planned long before candidate
Barack Obama spoke of one when campaigning in 2008.  His remarks
should have been seen as a warning rather than 'hope' as he presented it.

Today, more people are closer to the lowest rung of the ladder of success
than ever before, including even those with college degrees.

Most workers will see the cost of housing,  health care and education
accelerate faster than their incomes.

More couples need two incomes to raise their families than ever before.

More people are taking a second part time job to keep up.

Finally, despite what is happening across the country,  what we "hear"
from Wall St. tells us how rigged the system is, stock market at record high!

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