Monday, November 14, 2016

Priorities of the Trump Administration...

With so much to do, its hard to decide where to start.

Begin with protection of the country, not only citizens
but the undermining of our institutions.

1. Root out the anarchy and treasonous actions seen in
recent years disguised as civil disobedience. Fraudulent
and funded 'spontaneous' protests must be stopped with
legal action, even imprisonment, of those behind the
scenes that organize, pay and dispatch protestors.

2. The integrity of the elections must be restored. There
should be no doubt in eligibility of individuals who vote.
Federal Election Commission must create identificaition,
approved by Congress for all federal elections.

3. Restore integrity to the IRS by fairly reviewing
requests, such as non-profit status, disproportionately
refusing approval of conservative applications. Those
employees behind illegal discriminatory rejection must
be fired!

4. Justice Dept. must be overhauled to provide justice,
not "social justice' determined by quantifying ratio of
member of groups prosecuted, not guilt!

5. Convicted criminals who entered our country illegally
must immediately be deported once incarceration complete.
Additionally, sanctuary cities will lose all federal aid
for harboring illegals sought by federal authorities.

6. The "war on" mania must be replaced with successful
efforts beginning with 'war on drugs' and starting on
the Mexican border. This is the menace of drug cartels
from Mexico and Central America, where they can be
found, and need to be destroyed and quickly.

How bad is the problem....this map shows what the media
rarely reports


7. The Visa system must be improved, with the failure
of 9/11 the constant reminder of why. Better vetting
of those seeking entry, either to work or seeking
asylum. The risk is too great to not do this.

8. Require all foreigners who entered illegally to
register as "undocumented aliens" to be processed
for temporary worker status based on skills and
talent they can provide our country. If approved
they can remain for a determined period or deported
if not.

Theses are more than first steps, they are "leaps"
which were needed long before today.


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