Tuesday, April 19, 2016

While the media is "overdosing" on delegates.....bigger story looms

Ever since Democrats crammed the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) down the throats of the
American people we have been told it would be a panacea for health care which has become
unaffordable for many Americans.

The list of benefits included lower cost, portability, allowable per-existing conditions, coverage
for "children" up until the age of 26, would be Godsend.  That was seven years ago!

But, time is one measuring stick to ferret out whether promises made would actually be kept.

Since becoming law in 2010 the Obama Administration has promoted the Affordable Care Act
at  every opportunity. Time and again we learned of more people covered under Obamacare
who previously had little or no health care.

But, what was not reported was what has happened in the private health care industry; the
practitioners, the hospitals, insurance companies and every ancillary medical business.

There has been a sea change, rarely reported, but taking its toll on the industry and the
patients they serve. Cost of operations went higher as doctors now had more administering
to do and insurers learned all the appealing "benefits" Obamacare touted had to be paid for,
first by them, but ultimately the insured.

Here in NC we have less insurance carriers today, before Obamacare there were 29 and
today, 8, never made the news, but symptomatic of what is happening in every state.

And today there was an announcement from the nation's biggest health insurer, United
Health, but don't expect to see it reported as a major story, not as long as there is more
"news" about delegates!

United Health will cut its participation in public health insurance exchanges to only a handful
of states next year after expanding to nearly three dozen for this year.

Full story on this link...   http://apne.ws/1WD9EX8

But, the question which needs to asked, why didn't the insurers fight so the Affordable Care
Act would not have become law.  They knew costs would dramatically rise even faster in an
industry that is currently rising faster than most other costs.

Insurers never ran ADs, never warning the public, Congress or President Obama of the perils
Obamacare would do to the industry.  

Its easy to conclude the lack of effort by the insurance industry at the outset may have been
deliberate, knowing full well  that even under a 'public' health care system, the industry would
do just fine.

The promises may never materialize but that may not matter.  Government will do what it
always does, spend tens of billions of dollars to fix problems it caused in the first.

Gotta go, I heard there is another report on delegates!

Please add feedback in comments section below, or email ajbruno14@gmail.com "Point of View" blog http://ajbruno14.blogspot.com/

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