Wednesday, April 13, 2016

A Message from Reince Priebus to the Republican Party

Using the benefit of "literary license"

Fellow Republicans,
We are in the home stretch of our party's presidential primary process to choose our
nominee. From a large field of outstanding candidates, only a few remain, any one worthy
of our party's support.

As we near our convention to be held in Cleveland in July I want  take this occasion to thank
you for actively participating, helping the candidate of your choice. No one is more important
to our party than you, ours individual members. You are the ones the party works for, without
you there would be no party.

The Republican Party abandoned the "smoke filled" rooms of past where it was decided who
will be our candidates. We understood this would not be fitting or respectful to the democracy we hold dear or the memory of our Founders who worked  so hard to ensure the people govern not institutions.

Leading up to our convention the party leadership is developing its platform, but differently.
In past convention years this was done without involvement of our members. We simply
used the principles which have served our nation well, free markets which allow the people
to determine what is in their best interests, the limited role government should play and the
right to life and pursuit of happiness for all.

This year our platform will be more than a reminder of what the Republican Party stands for.
It will continually be reviewed to ensure governance, especially led by our party's leadership
does not veer too far offer course.

The party will not be passive, it will be an active agent on your behalf. As failures arise the
party cannot accept, we will act. We will use our power and  influence to challenge them,
not sit idly by.

The relationship between the party and elected officials will be open to all. No more
private meetings to help win an election or favor a lobbyist. The Republican Party will have
none of the toxicity of the past.

"Sunlight" will shine on our party so you can see what we do to ensure the platform
is more than a ceremonial document, it will remain a binding agreement between our
members and our leadership.

To this we will add our full support of all laws consistent with our principles and challenge
governing bodies that refuse to enforce them, and legally applied rejection of those we
cannot agree with.

I pledge to you the Republican Party will forever remain YOUR party guided by the
principles the platform describes.

Please add feedback in comments section below, or email "Point of View" blog

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